Schema Markup and structured data as a whole are hidden gems of SEO because not many website actually include schema microdata while coding. Many businesses do not use schema vocabulary simply because they do not know what it is or how to use it. If you also find yourself scratching your head when you hear the term “Schema Markup” then you are in luck, this blog will tell you everything you need to know.

What is Schema Markup?

Schema Markup is a form of micro-data that is added to your HTML in order to improve the way search engines read your content. In very simple terms, schema markup is code that developers put on website to help the search engines deliver more informative results for users. The main reason behind adding schema markup to your HTML is to enhance the rich snippets that are displayed beneath the page title and improve the overall look of your page in SERPs.

How to use Schema Markup?

The aim of any website is to rank higher in SERPs and deliver quality content to the user. And the best way to do that is to use Schema Markup.

Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper is the most efficient tool to help you add schema markup to your website. Here’s a quick look at the steps you need to follow to when using schema markup:

  • Step 1: Open your internet browser and go to Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper page.
  • Step 2: Based on the type of content posted on your website you will need to select type of data that you plan to markup.
  • Step 3: Once you select the data type you will need to enter the URL of the page or article that you want to markup.
  • Step 4: After you enter the URL the page will load in the markup tool so that you can begin the next phase of markup i.e. tagging items.
  • Step 5: When the page loads in the tool you can highlight and select the type of elements you want to be marked up using schema code.
  • Step 6: The Data Markup tool will give you a list of data items as a guide. You can highlight the items accordingly and add them to the markup list.
  • Step 7: Once you are done tagging you can click ‘Create HTML’ and then you will see the HTML of your page along with the schema markup inserted in the relevant spots.
  • Step 8: Once you review the schema markup in the tool you can go to the source code or CMS on your page and add the highlighted snippets in the relevant spots.

Once you have successfully added the code you can use the Structured Data Testing Tool to get a preview of what your page will look like after the added markup. If you are not comfortable using the Structured Data Markup Helper on your own you can partner with the best digital marketing or web development company in your area and consult an expert to complete the coding.

Benefits of Using Schema Markup

You need to keep in mind that before the user sees the data, search engines like Google will first need to review the content and understand your page data. Schema markup is important because it helps search engines understand the data on the page. Here’s a quick look at that top benefits of using schema markup.

  • Search engines like Google, understand schema much better than plain text.
  • Internet users get more relevant and detailed results while searching.
  • Website owners get rich snippets that have a higher click-through rate.
  • The data is included in the Knowledge Graph and provides excellent branding opportunities in the SERP.

Even though using structured data does not have a direct impact on SEO in terms of ranking, there is considerable evidence to indicate that search results with extensive rich snippets have a better click-through rate. If you want to get more extensive rich snippets you will definitely have to start using schema markup.

Best Tips on using Schema Markup

Now that we have covered the benefits of using schema markup for SEO, let’s delve a little deeper and check out some helpful tips while navigating the world of schema markup.

Search for the schema’s that are most commonly used.

The first trick to using schema markup is to try and identify which are the most common ones. You can go online and check to get a full list of the most common types of schema markup. You can work with an SEO company or an experienced web developer to find which types are best suited to your business.

Take Advantage of all schema types that you need.

It is important to note that in the end schema markup is basically coding and hence it can be a little technical and a little complicated. Since there is a myriad of markup types you will have to search through before you make your selection it will help if you connect with the best web development company near you to take advantage of all schema types that you need.

More Detailed Schema Markups are better for SEO

One of the most fundamental rules of using schema markups is that “the more content you mark up, the better.” As you learn to use schema markup more efficiently you will realize that there is a lot of content on your web page that you can mark up.