The fact can’t be denied at all that core web vitals will soon become the most appropriate analysis factor in 2021 to know your page progress. It means that superior content will always improve the technical strategy of SEO and you will gain maximum results. In this write-up, you will gain in-depth knowledge about core web vitals and the use of five methods to settle your website as per algorithm update.

Before anything else, we want you to know what actually Web Core Vitals are! Core web vitals determines the page development and highlights the page experience of a website. These web indicators evaluate how fast users can interact with your website and the outcomes you receive. These indicators also explain how simple it is for users to navigate through the website. Suppose you uplift user experience and develop your better website and obviously, you will have better scores. Let’s take a closer look at three different types of core web vitals. 

The first core web vital is the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) which calculates how quickly the enormous element like animation, images, videos, text, etc. can upload and appear on a website. Second is Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) to ensure that a website’s page is free from unexpected content and confusing movements as such things may cause distractions to the users from consuming the content. Last but not least is the First Input Delay (FID) to measure how responsive your website pages are when users try to access them for the first time. It ensures how quickly a website can offer the result for the users.

So, these are the three core web vitals on the basis of which page development and page experience of a website is measured. Now, let’s take a look at 5 different tips that website owners can use to improve their core web vitals from poor to excellent.

5 Result-Oriented Tips to Amplify Your Core Web Vitals

To observe how the website performs while aligning with the core web vitals to activate a quick website performance optimization. To perform so, utilize tools from Google like search console and page speed insights and other software like Gtmetrix. If you will try to improve your website’s performance reports using different tools, we assure you that it gonna be worth comparing outcomes and augmenting your page efficiency. So, let’s get started with the 5 result-oriented tips to amplify your website’s core web vitals!

1. Deduct Javascript Execution

Suppose your report highlights a bad FID score, the interaction users with your page remains over 300 milliseconds. You should understand and reduce your Javascript execution analysis. It means that time taken between your browser execution JS code and website page is decreased.
This is something that you must always keep in mind. Once your site’s code requests the browser, it may reduce the Javascript and slow down the page speed. 
As suggested by Google, you can reduce the JS code browser execution by creating the difference in unused JS.

Suppose your website has unused Javascript, then you must follow.

•    First of all, visit your website and tap the right button and select Inspect
•    Then, press on Sources and observer three dots at the bottom. Add a tool coverage. Once you have added it, click the load function.
•    Once the loading is performed, you should observe how much Javascript is not being used on your webpage.

Once you recognize the amount of unused JS, begin to cut it down. One of the methods you can implement here is code splitting. It means to separate one Javascript bundle into small forms.

2. Apply Lazy Loading

Suppose you show images on your website, it is significant to apply lazy page loading so your website’s UX and scoring of core web vitals won’t get degraded. Lazy loading will show images at the right moment when users scroll down to see them without affecting your website’s loading speed. It will help you gain your LCP score at an excellent level. Different advantages of Lazy Loading are:

•    Your website’s performance will be augmented
•    This will restrict bandwidth utilization
•    It can promote your Website’s SEO
•    Reducing bounce rate by gaining maximum traffic

Will lazy loading assist you? For images, videos, texts, animations, etc. lazy loading is recommended. There are no measured rules for which lazy loading should be performed. Suppose your LCP score is bad, then we recommend you to make great use of lazy loading. After this, compare outcomes before and after execution.

3. Optimize and Compress Images

Don’t you think that this sounds obvious? For various websites, the biggest elements are images to add an attractive look to the website. Optimizing the images of your website is essential to not make your website page heavy. This will ultimately result in improving the page loading speed, LCP score, user interface, and ranking performance of your website on different search engines.

Decrease the overall page size by compressing the images with tiny jpg and promoting your LCP results. You may be afraid of image resize to implement as it can result in degradation of your image quality. You can look at the difference when you zoom in or if the image is stored in the wrong format. Try to use jpg for landscape and png for graphics. Utilize JPEG 2000, JPEG XR next-generation formats, but we advise you to carry out some research before implementing this.

Apart from image compression, activate Content Delivery Network for images. It is a network of servers all around the world that serves your content. Since servers are distributed in various locations, images can be served quicker from the server nearest to users.

4. Provide Accurate Dimensions for Images and Embeds

CLS score over 0.1 is considered poor and this happens due to the images, ads, or elements without measurement in the CSS file. The dimensions are crucial If you wish to improve your CLS score. The appropriate dimensions will indicate the browser to easily spot white space while the web site's content is loading.

An image without proper dimensions can increase the bounce rate of the website as loads slowly. The images are visible on the screen when the content is almost consumed by them and till then, the users must have already decided to move to another site. This happens because the browser can’t actually understand how much room is required to load the images with inappropriate dimensions.

To avoid such image shifts, you can reserve a room where the image should be shown. This type of action will help you avoid the mistakes like layout shift even if it loads off-screen.

5. Enhance Your Website’s Server Response Time

Speed is something that is really very crucial to every website. Whether it's page loading speed or the speed of response time. To improve the page load metric of your website, we recommend you pay close attention to your website’s server response time. Doing this will also help you to improve the LCP Score. If you don’t want to cause a negative impact on your website’s SEO and UX, then start working on your server’s response time now. If you want to know the current response time of your server, then use Time to First Byte (TTFB) to do so properly. The significant tips and tricks that you can use to improve your website’s server response time starts with fast web hosting and get completed with the use of CDN for your website. 


After analyzing and following the above-mentioned tips and tricks, we hope that you successfully amplified the core web vitals for your website to offer a user-friendly experience to your site visitors. Also! Not just front-end but we also strongly recommend you to optimize the back-end of your website as both of them work hand in hand to provide the best user experience. In case, you still haven’t planned to optimize the core web vitals for your website, then do it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will be left behind in the online hustle. So, start now!